Our design philosophy is an ode to the profound connection between individuals and their living spaces. We believe that interior design is more than just arranging furniture; it's an art form that transforms a physical space into an immersive experience. Rooted in the principles of holistic design, our approach is driven by a deep understanding of our clients' unique personalities, preferences, and aspirations. We aim to create harmonious environments that not only reflect aesthetic beauty but also enhance the well-being and energy flow of the occupants. Every project at Tiger Veil is a testament to our commitment to crafting spaces that resonate with authenticity, purpose, and timeless elegance.


At Tiger Veil, our expertise extends from the meticulous artistry of residential remodels to the grand canvas of new builds. Whether reimagining the charm of existing spaces or crafting entirely new realms, our design process is an immersive experience tailored to your vision. We collaborate seamlessly, transforming your ideas into tangible beauty—curating spaces that echo your aspirations and lifestyle. From revitalizing established structures to architecting new beginnings, Tiger Veil ensures every detail is not just considered but celebrated, crafting homes that stand as timeless reflections of your individuality and the essence of luxury living.


We go beyond crafting spaces; we curate immersive and interactive environments that tell a story. Our approach is centered on creating memorable experiences for guests, where every element contributes to a cohesive narrative. From the layout and furnishings to the lighting and decor, we meticulously design each facet to evoke a specific ambiance that aligns with the brand's essence. Our goal is to transport visitors into a world where every detail plays a role in their journey. Whether it's a boutique hotel, restaurant, or spa, our hospitality design seeks to blend functionality with emotion, ensuring that each space leaves a lasting impression on those who enter. Welcome to a realm where design meets storytelling, and every moment is an invitation to explore.


Our Initial Design Consultation is the first step in turning your interior design dreams into reality. During this personalized session, our experienced designers will meet with you to understand your vision, preferences, and goals for your space. We'll discuss your style, color preferences, functional needs, and any specific ideas you may have in mind.

This consultation serves as the foundation for your entire design project. We'll provide expert advice, offer creative insights, and answer any questions you may have. Whether you're embarking on a full-scale renovation or seeking guidance on a single room, this consultation is a valuable opportunity to tap into our expertise.


Our space clearing service transcends the conventional to bring a holistic and transformative experience to your surroundings. We understand that spaces carry energy, and our dedicated team employs a unique blend of ancient practices and contemporary techniques to cleanse and harmonize your environment. Through the strategic use of rituals, sound, and intention, we aim to dispel any lingering negativity and invite positive energy into your space. Whether it's a residential dwelling or a commercial setting, our space clearing service is designed to create a refreshed and revitalized atmosphere, promoting balance and well-being. Step into a space cleared by Tiger Veil, where the energies align, and the aura is set for a harmonious and positive living or working experience.

Interested in starting a project? Feel free to contact me for more information.